Greenbelt 2007 Day Three
I was too wiped out to post anything last night. Actually happy wiped out. Good day that ended with friends at the Organic Beer Tent. I did miss the Hymn and Beers though.On the third day I didn't get to see as much, but I did hear two talks. Another by James Allison and one my Mark Yaconelli, which was particularly moving and helpful for me. It was about failure and loss and what you do when you feel at the end of yourself, broken. It actually reminded me of an important spiritual lesson I learned at one of the most desperate moments in my life when everything unraveled. It reminded me that sometimes the best comfort is no comfort at all, rather to allow myself to feel the pain, to sit in the loss and grieve it properly.
My interview with Premiere Radio went well and was a lot of fun because author GP Taylor was also interviewed and their was a Catholic clergy member in the London studio. I hope I didn't sound too snippy, but after I related some of my ex-gay experience, the clergy member said something like, "Well, in the Catholic Church we do not condemn a homosexual orientation. The only problem is when someone engages in homosexual activity. What do you think about this?"
It was early (thus my voice being so low Alex) and I was on auto-pilot and I blurted out, "I think you are asking people to become Eunuchs, to box in their sexuality. We have seen how this has happened in the Catholic Church, that when you box in your sexuality, it comes out in all sorts of inappropriate ways."
After that I had an interview with Greenbelt Radio. I also learned that that show they asked me to add had been slated for Centaur, the LARGEST indoor venue. It is HUGE and not at all suited for the sort of work I do with my plays. I need an intimate space where people can be focus on the small actions on the stage.
I thought ab0ut it through day and decided that I will do an extra show, but instead of a complete performance, I will do a highlights show where I can do excerpts from all my shows. This will help hold the audience and if something doesn't work, I move onto another bit.
Thinking of doing the gAy,B,C's from Queer 101 as well as Chad's fantasy date with Lorca. I want to do a scene as Marvin, either when Brother Ralph "falls out in the Spirit" or when Marvin casts the demons out of his computer. I will do the opening of Homo No Mo with Chad and Vlad (always a crowd pleaser when Vlad says "Focus" in his unique way) and that may be it except for the Identity Monologue.
Then right after that I head over to the 11-14 year olds area where I will lead a Bibliodrama. Maybe the passage where Jesus casts out a herd of demons into a herd of pigs. What does that story mean???? Is Jesus some sort of Anti-pork, Jewish sorcerer and activist?
OUTerSpace, the new LGBT group at Greenbelt had a LOVELY service, the highlight of which was when a woman, who had recently been forced out of her church as worship leader because she is lesbian, spoke to the group. She said that she knows that God loves and and in fact, God likes her. And then she gave a simple but sincere encouragement to others who feel marginalized in their churches and families. Amazing how many people I met who just came out or are barely out.
The day ended at the Organic Beer Tent where I passed a HUGE test. It involved two very athletic straight young men, one hugging me, a bit smashed and begging me to come to their tents to continue the party. The Holy Spirit (in the form of Auntie Doris from Ship of Fools) helped me hold my ground. I remained in the Beer Tent and the boys took to their party without me. Phew.
I quite like beng compared to the Holy Spirit. You are absolutely right though Peterson... they were fit... but just remember what I told you! I had a tip-top time last night but have kind of lost my voice a bit after the Beer and Hymns, and of course I fully blame YOU Peterson for the fact that I was so wasted last night!! ;)
Peterson, I have more fun reading about the fun you had than I usually have having fun myself.
(Did that make sense?)
What does any of this have to do with your not having a facebook profile so that I can add you to my list of friends?
I'm with joe g on this one!
Indeed, Peterson needs facebook!
Yaaay! Auntie Doris to the rescue!
I'm upset Peterson, I thought I was your young straight athlete. I mean granted we've never gotten smashed I thought we had something. How could you leave me for some straight fit British guys...its the accent isn't it.
Thanks Peterson. Sarah got in touch with me. Hope you are enjoying England. I've only been to the airport when I last visited by partner in Bucharest, Romania. I had to change planes at Heathrow.
FYI, I have an idea ... I am no longer referring to the ex-gay movement as "the ex-gay movement" but rather the Pseudo-Heterosexual Movement. I am revamping my blog sight to reflect the new termonology. God bless you in all you do. Hope to see and meet you in California.
Craig, Craig, Craig...But I DIDN'T leave you! Who could possibly take your place? I mean you are a young straight Quaker athlete. You are without rivals.
Ally, :-)
Joe, Alex and CA. Facebook? FACEBOOK? You are all too old for Facebook, well maybe not CA. You need to join ButtBook. It is the new wave for old geezers like us.
Alan, the Pseudo Heterosexual Movement, eh? According to, Pseudo: A combining form or prefix signifying false, counterfeit, pretended, spurious; as, pseudo-apostle, a false apostle; pseudo-clergy, false or spurious clergy; pseudo-episcopacy, pseudo-form, pseudo-martyr, pseudo-philosopher." Hm, a little heavy handed for me, but I can understand you going in that direction. Particularly with the more politicized portions of the Ex-Gay Movement.
auntie doris, I do hope you made it home safely, and I take full responsibility for you having fallen under the spell of Baccus. But since you loaded up on beer and NOT wine, your barroom disgraces arose out of your own waywardness and not due to my reckless influence. :-)
Hi Peterson,
I interviewed you for Greenbelt FM over the festival. Thank you once again for coming on, you were a great guest. Hopefully, we weren't quite as odd as Premier Radio....
Though when I think about it, thats probably not very hard...
Peterson... you definitely need a Facebook thingy. But, how could you call me wayward? I was never wayward before I met you ;)I am a nice, sweet, innocent Christain girl I'll have you know.
Auntie Doris x
Ps) Home safe and sound and absolutely knackered. Mind you. The Boys didn't crawl in until 3am this morning... the sluts!
"I think you are asking people to become Eunuchs, to box in their sexuality. We have seen how this has happened in the Catholic Church, that when you box in your sexuality, it comes out in all sorts of inappropriate ways."
Hear, hear! Well said, Peterson! The Catholic Church has refused to come down to earth on this, of course, and that's why it has suffered so many crash landings of late.
Just crashed in front of the PC after a fab Greenbelt - just to say Peterson....You rocked! And you were so worth the queues!
I'm with the others, you did ought to get a facebook account.
You might get some friends if you get a Facebook thingy ;)
Ps) There are some amusing pics on my blog from GB!!
You need to join ButtBook. It is the new wave for old geezers like us.
Old geezers Youngster Please!
Hey Peterson,
Yes, I guess it does sound a little harsh. I guess I am just tired of the ex-gay movement treated us as if we are a non-entity. My own personal experience was of hoping if I got married (to a woman) I would magically become straight. Like a character from Lily Tomlin when she did Dr. Ilene Daisy Psychologist when she says on her "radio show," "Folks, remember about that woman who kept writing me saying men were always after her body. She thought when she got married it would end. Now she finds she not even safe in her own home!" I'll pray about whether to keep the word "pseudo-heterosexual" or not.
Hope you can make it down to California in December as I am hoping my partner will be here then. The GLBT at St. Luke's is excited about the possiblity of you coming and I've directed them to your website so they can get a better idea about your Homo No Mo show.
Just wanted to say, I thought the highlights show was wonderful, especially since I missed your Bush show (after leaving the queue, I then ended up queuing in vain for Bassline circus too... sigh).
I missed Beer and Hymns too, and I really wanted to go this year but I missed it once because of Scratch Panto and once because of you. Feel proud :)
Peterson, I think the overwhelming reaction from Greenbelters is that your Bush went down a treat. ;)
Glad that Auntie D was there to look after you.
Agree that GW was excellent & that the OUTerspace service was cool, (although I did have to stiffle laughing when they started on about the gluton free bread and non-alcoholic wine - just an ickle too pc).
Thanks for working so hard Peterson.
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